Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ryan's progress and 1st word

Well for being 6 months old, he sure has tackled some issues, 1st after his birth he got jundis, forgive the spelling, his count wanst high but not low it was 15 and after a few weeks it went away. Then while we where waiting for a well being for his 2 months in order to get shots, he got whooping cough! We had no idea and it took a long time and ryans doc to come back in order for him to run this test, even to his amazment he did not think the test would be pos.

we got over than after about 6 weeks. Then we noticed more about his neck and how it tilted so we got that looked at, it was torticollis, a very common mustle issue can be very bad or very mild, we where in the very mild and although its still there its really almost to the point of we dont even notice it.

I am glad to say he drinks from a sippie cup and loves it, he loves his solids and his fav is soup with pasta and veg, he has what we have no baby jar stuff unless we need it while out and due to him not liking the baby cereal he will eat the jar of baby cereal untill i can find one he can eat without needing it too mushed up! He loves apple juice, I call it apple water!! tiny juice and more water.!

TODAY WAS HIS 1st WORD we thought he said it yesterday, but wanst too sure but today we got a clear MUM MUM more than once though out the day.

He rolls and almost sits up without falling forward and have been told due to the neck issue this can delay them a little bit but his balance is much better now his neack isnt so much on one side!.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Breast feeding rooms are needed

Breast feeding is one of the oldest, most natural things we women have to offer our children, it's been done for many many years, there was never really much of a choice back in the day, so why is it as a culture that always looks for new ways and better ways to be more free do we still have such issue with women out in public, feeling like we have to hide to feed there babys cause we chose to breast. So many places I go to to feed my baby and told its not the place to do it, going to the chanigng rooms to be looked at and told it's not a feeding place, yet no where wants to provide a baby space.

In the UK many stores have a room for moms to go to change baby abd feed them and I dont mean a corner in the ladys wash room! I really wish more stores would make one changing room area a comfort space for us to freely change baby and or to feed in peace without fussying with blankets and holding baby and getting breast ready, all they need is one comfortable chair a stool and thats it one cubical, sitting on the hard bench feeding isnt fun, feeding in the toilet is far from nice.

In the UK tesco, a food store has a room, even supply wipes and diapers, mother care a baby store have the same and nice seating even one of the stores in a different town had a nice room with gliders and soft lullibies playing, toys r us had one even my local drug store had a room so why is it that in the USA land of progress is so behind in this service.

Would it really cost the store that much to give up one room? target and walmart just one large cubical in the ladys dressing area with one small rocer chair and stool, I would even be willing to donate a dollar every time I used it if that enable them to add a table with diapers to use.! I would spend more time shopping if they did!

Please feel free to add comments this appls to mothers who bottle feed, even those mothers should have the oppotunity to have a quite spot to sit and feed other than a stinky toilet!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Man, I thought that having one child in school cost alot! If its not snacks for the class it phto time and year book time, then if thats not enough its school spirit shirts for days out!! Then there is lunch money, when dose it stop!! Now I have 2 in school! So today when sorting out bills and what goes where andtaking from here to go there and what was there to go here! I relised its time for all boys to have a savings account and I need to make myslef add a few dollars in each one every payday.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Me and my house of blue

Sometimes I sit and I wonder, I wonder about the world we live in, I wonder about the future of my children, I wonder and ask why all boys, what has the Lord in stall for me and them, I wonder what gifts they will have and what they will do for the Lord. At this point I relise that god has already worked on them they have been moulded and there isnt much that I can do to shape them as god has there mold and as a mother I am to just sit, watch and enjoy the time we have together cause before I know it my boys will be men, as a Godly women it is my job to correct them when they do wrong, teach them the values of good morals and to stop pondering what is around the corner but to never stop dreaming high for them, and allow the holy spirt to work in them and always let them know God is 1st.

Wondering why no girls what is install for me down the road will I have a girl do I really want a girl is it my hearts desire for a girl or is it just peopele making me wonder or them saying you need a girl? love my house of blue and truly blessed with 3 wonderful boys, all having differnet personalitlys each to there own nothing about them is the same they share common intrests but that is about as same as you can get.

I have no girls to compare but one thing I know aobut bring up boys is they never learn frm a mistake as far as getting hurt, as I sit and watch my boys I see them repeating a mistake time after time asking me why is it not working when there simple minds can not figure out ither way they try what ever it is from jumping off the sofa to sticking a finger in a hole too small they dont seem to learn that no matter what angle or how much higher they will still hurt them slefs!!. Boys are such fun to watch. I do wonder if I had a girl would they copy and have the same mind set as my boys?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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