Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Me and my house of blue

Sometimes I sit and I wonder, I wonder about the world we live in, I wonder about the future of my children, I wonder and ask why all boys, what has the Lord in stall for me and them, I wonder what gifts they will have and what they will do for the Lord. At this point I relise that god has already worked on them they have been moulded and there isnt much that I can do to shape them as god has there mold and as a mother I am to just sit, watch and enjoy the time we have together cause before I know it my boys will be men, as a Godly women it is my job to correct them when they do wrong, teach them the values of good morals and to stop pondering what is around the corner but to never stop dreaming high for them, and allow the holy spirt to work in them and always let them know God is 1st.

Wondering why no girls what is install for me down the road will I have a girl do I really want a girl is it my hearts desire for a girl or is it just peopele making me wonder or them saying you need a girl? love my house of blue and truly blessed with 3 wonderful boys, all having differnet personalitlys each to there own nothing about them is the same they share common intrests but that is about as same as you can get.

I have no girls to compare but one thing I know aobut bring up boys is they never learn frm a mistake as far as getting hurt, as I sit and watch my boys I see them repeating a mistake time after time asking me why is it not working when there simple minds can not figure out ither way they try what ever it is from jumping off the sofa to sticking a finger in a hole too small they dont seem to learn that no matter what angle or how much higher they will still hurt them slefs!!. Boys are such fun to watch. I do wonder if I had a girl would they copy and have the same mind set as my boys?

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